Website:   The Department of Architecture has the mission to cultivate and promote the science and engineering aspects of Architecture, especially in the fields of architectural synthesis, building technology, urban and spatial planning, and functional and aesthetic interior and building design; and train expert engineers capable of studying and…

  Website:   The Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE) was established in 1999. It is one of the 3 founding Departments of the School of Engineering of the University of Ioannina. It is the only Department in Greece that awards a Diploma in Materials Science and Engineering recognized…

  Website:   The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DCSE) was founded  in 1990 and admitted its first students in 1993. It offers a 5-year undergraduate program  leading to the prestigious Diploma of Engineering degree. Graduates are registered as full members of the Technical Chamber of Greece, with a…

The Department of Mechanical Engineering was founded in 2018 (Law 4559/2018) and constitutes the youngest department in the School of Engineering. The Department of Mechanical Engineering began its operation at the administrative level after a Senate decision (University of Ioannina Senate meeting 1069/18-07-2019). The following faculty members of the School…


The plans for the creation of an Engineering School date back to the beginnings of 1974. The materialization of the idea starts gradually in 1990, with the establishment of the departments that now constitute the School, as shown in the timeline below. The School of Engineering was finally founded in…

Administrative Board

According to L.4485/2017, the Administrative Board of the School is comprised by The Dean The Chairs of the Faculty’s Departments Three (3) representatives, one from each of the categories of Special Teaching Staff, Laboratory Teaching Staff and Special Technical Staff A student representative CURRENT COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD (STARTING Sept.…


The Engineering School has access to all the infrastructure and facilities of the University of Ioannina. In addition, the School’s departments maintain their own cutting-edge facilities for teaching and research purposes. Information about the buildings, the spaces, the equipment and the main laboratory units of each department can be found…